
This page contains links to websites which present a skeptical view of common religious beliefs and practices. Concepts and ideas which may be questioned include divine interventions, infallibility of sacred texts such as the bible, existence of supernatural beings such as angels, demons, and the devil, the possibility of an afterlife in heaven or hell, spiritual conditions like demonic possession, and visits to earth by divine beings like Jesus. Skeptical websites may also offer arguments for alternative belief systems such as humanism, agnosticism, atheism, and spirituality.

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ReligiousTolerance.Org -- One of the main goals of this website is to promote greater understanding and tolerance between people of all different beliefs. It supports the principle that every person should have complete freedom to formulate his or her own beliefs, and it opposes efforts by one particular group to impose its practices, policies, or beliefs on other groups. The site attempts to offer various different viewpoints on important issues of our time, and for this purpose it contains more than three thousand articles on a wide variety of subjects, including the life and teachings of Jesus, how people can be saved, evil spirits, demonic possessions, contradictions in the gospels, why people do evil things, and whether hell really exists.

Jesus21 -- The main mission of this website is to oppose the ideas and practices of fundamentalist Christian denominations. Information on the site indicates that there is a close correlation between the beliefs of evangelical Christians and the exploitation of our planet's human and environmental resources, and that refuting these beliefs will reduce this exploitation. The site also reports news of the moral depravities of priests and other church officials, both Catholic and Protestant. Also included are regular book and movie reviews and other commentary.

The Secular Web -- The goal of this non-profit organization is to promote independent thinking, especially with regard to the major superstitions that tend to blind people to the truth. Another goal is to encourage the pursuit of philosophy and science. Articles on the site discuss such subjects as contradictions in the bible, secret alterations of the gospels, religious wars and persecutions, falsification of church history, and atrocities committed by Christians in the name of God.

Ex-Christian -- This site serves as a cyber-gathering place for ex-Christians, many of whom are now agnostics or atheists. It features a "testimonies" section in which individuals can explain why they can no longer accept the basic beliefs and practices of Christianity. Members can also discuss their personal beliefs and other matters in on-site forums. The site also includes articles, videos, and a gallery.

Freedom From Religion Foundation -- This non-profit organization works to maintain and increase the separation of church and state. It also fights efforts by religious groups to use government tax money to promote their own interests and agendas in schools and other public facilities. It reports attacks on neighborhood schools and exposes efforts to restrict the rights of skeptics, atheists, and other non-theists.

Religion Resource Hub -- Go to this site for the latest findings, best techniques, and latest ideas in the scientific study of religion. Its archive contains many articles written by prominent scholars and researchers. There is also extensive information about the number of followers of various religions and where they are located. You can also view interactive maps that display information about congregational membership in any U.S. state or county.

About Skepticism -- This article discusses various aspects of skepticism, including its history and its influence on society. It includes a list of references and a bibliography.

Secular Coalition of America -- This is the website of a coalition of secular organizations which are trying to bring about a more humane and just society. The member groups include atheist, agnostic, and humanist organizations. The site is frequently updated with reports on protests, court cases, and activist events that relate to secular causes.

Weird Religions -- Most religions contain ideas that can seem weird to people of differing faiths. This article describes a number of beliefs and rituals which almost everyone would think are strange. The examples come from all over the world, and are found in both ancient and modern religions. People often laugh at religious weirdness, but it can sometimes have tragic consequences, even leading to violent acts of terrorism or wars.

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