Weird Religious Beliefs
Image Gallery

The images in this gallery illustrate some of the weird beliefs that are found in many of the world's religions.

Christian Snake Handlers

church snakes

This photograph was taken during a church service in which snakes were handled.

snake handler

Snake handling at a church in Kentucky.

Burning of Witches


This drawing by the 17th-century Dutch artist Jan Luyken shows the execution of a group of suspected witches. Each suspect was tied to a post and burned alive as the flames leaped up onto her body.

witch burned

Artist Hugu Simberg created this surreal depiction of the agony of a flame-engulfed witch.

Devil Worship

Jesus and Devi

This painting by the 19th-century artist Ary Scheffer shows the Devil with Jesus on the top of a mountain. Their trip to the top of this mountain is described in the bible in a passage at Matthew 4:8-10. As they stood on the summit, Satan tried to get Jesus to worship him. Of course Jesus refused. But although the fiend failed in this case, many of his other efforts to get worshipers have succeeded.

Demonic Possession


This image shows a demon leaving the head of a possessed woman after being expelled by Jesus. The image is taken from a medieval book called Les Tres Riches Heures du duc de Berry, which is a Book of Hours created for the Duc de Berry during the period from 1412 to 1416 AD.


Demons are visible in the background of this depiction of an exorcism by Francisco Goya.

Incorruptible Bodies


This is a photograph of the incorrupt body of Saint Virginia Centurione Bracelli, who died in 1651. The list of other long-dead Christian saints whose bodies are supposedly incorruptible includes Saint Bernadette of Lourdes, Saint Veronica Giuliani, Saint Francis Xavier, and Saint Agnes of Montepulciano. One of the longest-surviving incorrupt bodies is that of Saint Silvan, who died in the 4th century.

The Antichrist


This painting by the 16th-century German artist Matthias Gerung shows the seven-headed beast described in the Book of Revelations. Some Christians believe that this beast is a symbol of the Antichrist.


Here is a another painting of the Seven-headed Beast by William Blake

The War in Heaven


This painting by Guido Reni shows Archangel Michael defeating Satan at the end of the war in heaven.

The Temple of Rats

temple rats

This photo shows a group of the rats that live in the Karni Mata temple.

The Sex Slaves of Paradise


This painting by artist Achille Zo shows a group of houris in heaven.

Crucifixion Re-enactments


This engraving by Gustave Dore depicts the crucifixion of Jesus. He is shown between two other men who were crucified at the same time.

The Devil's Mark


This is an old drawing of three types of needles used for sticking into the body of a suspected witch when looking for a devil's mark.

Images of Demons

Demons attack

This painting by an unknown artist shows a swarm of demons attacking Saint Anthony.


This is a closer view of the demons in the depiction of an exorcism by Francisco Goya.

The Demoness Lilith


This is a painting of the demoness Lilith by Artist John Collier


The images in this gallery are public domain works reproduced courtesy of the WikiMedia Commons website ( Some images have been cropped and digitally-enhanced.

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